Duration: 1.0 days
Course's pricing


Who should attend this VeriSM™ Plus Training?

This VeriSM™ Training course is aimed at all professionals and organisation involved in delivering value to customers through delivery, development, operation and/or promotion of services.

VeriSM™ Plus training is recommended for graduates and undergraduates who are looking to join an organisation and required a basic understanding of IT Service Management. This VeriSM™ training course is also designed for Manager and executives who are involved in the delivery of value to customers and required knowledge in IT Service Management.

VeriSM™ Plus Prerequisites

Delegates wishing to attend this VeriSM™ Plus training must hold one or more of the following:

  • VeriSM Essentials Certificate
  • A Current foundation certificate in IT Service Management (ITIL® Foundation)

VeriSM™ Plus Course Outline

1. Module: The Service Organisation

  1. Digital Transformation – Delegates will learn how to define the impact of new technologies on organisations and how to describe the impact of digital transformation on service management

2. Module: People and Organisational Structure

  1. Organisational structure – Delegates will be able to define the differences between a leader and a manager and learn how to explain the competencies of the service management professional. Learn how to list the elements of a well-functioning team.

3. Module: The VeriSM™ Model

  1. The VeriSM™ model – Delegates will learn the elements of VeriSM™ model and explain how VeriSM™ re-defines service Management.
  2. Delegates will also learn how to explain how VeriSM™ uses the management mesh to create and stabilize services, wiliest gaining an understanding of the elements within each of the four stages of the VeriSM™ Model
    1. Define.
    2. Produce.
    3. Provide.
    4. Respond.
  3. Adapting the VeriSM™ model – Delegates will learn how to define the process of selecting and integrating management practices and will be able to explain the characteristics of successful operating models

4. Module: Progressive Practices

  1. Delegates will be able to indicate the success factors for adopting progressive management practices and will be able to clarify the key concepts and when to apply Agile, DevOps, SIAM and Lean as a management practice

5. Module: Innovative Technologies

  1. Impact of Technology – Delegates will learn how to summarize implications of technology on service Management and will be able to explain the benefits of cloud, virtualization and automation.
  2. Delegates will learn how to explain the impact of big data, internet of things, mobile computing, bring your own device on service management. To be able to describe server-less computing, artificial intelligence, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Machine Learning and containerization.

6. Module: Getting started with VeriSM™

  1. Delegates will learn how to identify and describe how to move from a reactive to proactive operation with VeriSM™

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