Occupational Healt and Safety Card - Occupational Health and Safety Card

Kesto: 1 pv , Opetuskieli: englanti, Materiaalikieli: englanti, Materiaali: pdf
Sertifiointitentti: Kyllä, Tenttikieli: englanti, Tenttityyppi: online
Valitse toinen aloituspäivämäärä sivun vasemmasta laidasta (mobiilinäkymässä sivun alaosassa)


Occupational Safety Card training (in Finnish Työturvallisuuskorttikoulutus) provides the employee with basic information about the general hazards in the shared workplace and occupational safety. The aim of occupational safety card training is to improve the safety of shared workplaces. The occupational safety card is suitable for everyone, regardless of sector.

The course language is English. Card is valid 5 years after passing the training and the test. 

This course is not suitable for driver's professional competence (kuljettajan ammattipätevyys). 



Päivämäärä Aloitusaika Lopetusaika Huom!

Course starts at 8:30  ( be ontime! ) 

Program  on classroom
Common workplace
Common safety
Work introduction for new employees

Common safe working day
Exam start 15.30
Training ends at 16:00

We follow THL's regional corona guidelines and use face shields
The course is implemented in accordance with the Occupational Safety Card training program TTK 

Noudatamme THL alueellisia koronaohjeistuksia ja tarvittaessa käytämme kasvosuojaimia

Kurssi totetutetaan Työturvallisuuskorttikoulutus ohjelman mukaisesti TTK

Instructions for organizing occupational safety card training,  Occupational Safety Center
Sähköinen tentti. Edellyttää mobiililaitetta tai läppäriä
Tentin järjestää: KoivuEDU

If you can not participate this course, you can send someone else instead of you. If cancellation is done less than 14 days before the course start, we will charge 50% of the price. In case of no show without any cancellation, we will charge the whole price. Cancellation fee will also be charged in case of illness.

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