ISTQB Agile Tester is an international qualification in software testing coordinated by the International Software Quality Testing Board (ISTQB) and organized in Finland by the Finnish Software Testing Board (FiSTB). It is an extension to ISTQB Foundation course. Foundation Extension – Agile Tester Certificate is awarded to those who pass a written one-hour multiple-choice exam. The exam will take place after the course on a separate date.
After completing the course the participants can handle the basic terminology of agile testing and are familiar with methods and techniques in agile projects. They know different agile testing tools and are aware of what testing tools can achieve. They know where to find more information about agile testing. Passing the ISTQB Foundation Extension –Agile Tester exam will them a certificate of their testing knowledge. Course is delivered with Knowit’s material and presented either in Finnish or English. The certification exam is in English or Finnish, depending on the language of the course.
Knowit Oy is an ISTQB/ISEB-trainer acknowledged by the FiSTB, which is a member of Tivia. Grove Consultants is acknowledged ISTQB/ISEB-trainer by British Computer Society (BCS/ISEB).
The course is intended for IT professionals involved in Software Testing in agile projects and who would like to gain an internationally accepted qualification in Agile Software Testing. A good knowledge of English is required from the participants.