Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner - Remote training by agile42

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Our Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO) training is a learning experience for Certified Scrum Product Owners who already have at least one-year experience and want an advanced education to be able to juggle multiple business opportunities and learn how to communicate effectively across a range of stakeholders. The A-CSPO program is the second step in the Scrum Alliance Path to CSP program and it is designed to build on your previous knowledge and experience and further enhance your skills to improve your outreach and work with your development team(s) in the most effective way possible.

The class is presented in a highly interactive and collaborative format with elements of lecture, classroom discussion, exercises, games and simulations, smoothly blended throughout the class. 

Upon completion of the class, students who have at least 1 year experience as a Product Owner will be eligible to become an Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO).



In order to obtain the A-CSPO certification, you will need to attend a A-CSPO training, complete the online pre-course preparation homework, hold a Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) certificate and demonstrate at least one-year work experience specific to the role of Product Owner (from within the past five years).


Target audience

The A-CSPO course is appropriate for Certified Scrum Product Owners with at least 1 year experience as a Product Owner. This is the perfect opportunity to further develop in the principles and practices of Agile Product Management, whilst taking the next step on your journey towards becoming a Certified Scrum Professional.

Even though the course is appropriate for Certified Scrum Product Owners with at least 1 years’ experience, you can still attend the class if you are short of your required experience. You will only receive certification after the full 1 year is completed.  


Included in the training

  • Eligibility to become an Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
  • Certificate + two-years membership to the Scrum Alliance
  • Slack channel to continue collaborating with your classmates after the class and access to trainers to ask questions
  • Option to join the agile42 Community and get access to a number of free learning resources, like books, articles and videos
  • Life-long warranty on the course: e-mail access to the trainers


Why agile42?

  • Experience: Over the years, agile42 has delivered Scrum & Agile training to thousands of professionals worldwide. Our instructors have decades of experience using and coaching Scrum in hundreds of organizations large and small.
  • Excellent ratings: We consistently receive excellent ratings from our participants.
  • Techniques: In all of our classes, we use techniques from Accelerated Learning and in particular principles and concepts from Training from the Back of the Room.
  • Engaging: Our courses are highly interactive and fun - not a PowerPoint assault, and our participants stay engaged throughout the class, learn by doing, and have fun along the way. When learners talk and teach, they learn. -Sharon Bowman
  • Practical and Memorable: Participants learn through hands-on exercises - creating high knowledge retention.
  • Sustainable: We are contributing to a greener planet by decreasing our carbon footprint by not having people travel to the venue, and less paper usage in terms of flipcharts and post-it notes.

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