Business Technology Operating Model Designer

Kesto: 2.0 pv
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The Business Technology (BT) Operating Model Designer course gives you practical instructions and best-practice implementation guidelines to design and implement the BT operating model for any organisation. During the course, you will gain the confidence to plan and facilitate the discussions and decision-making necessary to design an operating model that helps to create business value.

Attending the Business Technology Operating Model Designer course requires the BT Standard Green Card certification and the BT Practitioner for BT Designers certification prior to taking part in the training. You will find the the mentioned courses at

The course is recommended for:

  • those who are responsible for designing or updating the organisation’s IT and digitalisation operating model
  • those who are using SAFe, ITIL, SIAM, COBIT, and other practices and want to implement a consistent operating model on top of them
  • those who want to get practical operating model design and implementation guidance based on the BT Standard best-practice methodologies and practices

During the course, the participants will get familiarised with:

  • capability areas and disciplines
  • governance levels and bodies
  • roles and responsibilities
  • value streams and end-to-end value creation
  • design principles for customising the BT operating model
  • examples of BT operating model design and implementation

As concrete hand-outs, the participants receive:

  • material to help you to make your own Business Technology Operating Model handbook, such as BT Standard governance extension material in PowerPoint
  • Business technology maturity analysis template
  • the roles and responsibilities model extension in PowerPoint
  • value streams example

Participants obtain the Business Technology Operating Model Designer certification after a successful oral assessment.

Mikäli ilmoittautuja ei pääse kurssille, voi hänen sijastaan tulla toinen henkilö. Mikäli ilmoittautumisen peruutus tehdään vähemmän kuin kaksi (2) viikkoa ennen kurssin alkua, veloitamme toimisto- ja varauskuluina 50% kurssimaksusta. Mikäli ilmoittautunut jää saapumatta kurssille ilman peruutusilmoitusta, veloitamme koko osallistumismaksun. Kurssimateriaalin toimittamisesta oppilaalle peruuntumistapauksessa veloitamme lisäksi 100 EUR. Peruutusmaksut veloitetaan myös sairastapauksissa.

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