AIOps 2019
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AIOps 2019:
AIOps yhdistää AI:n ja koneoppimisen (Machine Learning) tukemaan IT järjestelmänhallintaa (IT Operations) sekä palvelunhallintaa (Service Management). Gartnerin mukaan AIOps tulee seuraavan viiden vuoden aikana laajenemaan palveluiden, sovellusten ja järjestelmien valvonnasta palvelujohtamiseen ja automaatioon. Konkreettisten esimerkkien avulla kerromme mitä AIOps on ja miten AI:ta ja koneoppimista on jo nyt hyödynnetty valvonnassa ja palvelujohtamisessa. Tässä hieman esimakua päivän annista kansainvälisiltä puhujavierailtamme.
Lars Rossen, Fellow Software CTO Office, Micro Focus
IT Operations, Zero Outage, analytics and how Security is too important to be left to security specialists
To ensure smooth operations of the Digital enterprise then design, delivery and running of services need to have a zero outage perspective. Unfortunately there are many obstruction to achieving the nirvana of a robust service delivery. Some of the challenges are, siloíed thinking, service dependencies and legacy designs. In this talk we will seek to address aspects of this through the lens of creating a System of Insight for IT in which you can analyse if you have latent issues. This approach also clearly indicate separating between security and operations might still make sense from an expertise perspective, but from a tooling and process perspective it needs to be holistically managed.
Göran Sandahl, CTO, Unomaly
Mind the intelligence gap
In this technical talk, we explore how computing is changing, how it impacts us with increasing data and more importantly how we will need to change if we want to seize and accelerate the full opportunity of software intelligence.
Rolf Frydenberg, CEO, Manag-E Nordic AS
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Service Management
Technology is becoming increasingly critical, but as technology speeds up, we often don’t think about the negative business impacts it may bring: new hires whose equipment isn’t available, services that are interrupted, and customers or users who aren’t informed of a change or outage, to name a few. Smarter technologies driven by Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence feeding on available and abundant data can provide the support organization with information and solutions with more accuracy and speed than previously possible. Join us to learn: • Why AI and ML are important to service management and support • What machine learning is and how it can enable faster, better, more accurate resolution • How machine learning and AI combine to enable smart processes that can pinpoint expertise, accelerate configuration and change management, and minimize wasted time.
Fellow Software CTO Office
Lars Rossen
Micro Focus
Fellow Software CTO Office
Lars Rossen
Micro Focus
Lauri Humina
Wakaru Oy
Göran Sandahl
Rolf Frydenberg
Manag-E Nordic AS
Senior technical business manager
Harri Välimaa
Telia Cygate Oy
Ohjelma 5.2.2019
AIOps 2019
290.00 €
+alv. 24%
Osta heti
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Mannerheimintie 46